En Comunidad

Church Profile

The En Comunidad participant church aspires to:

Embrace a Holistic Culture

Embrace the truth that God’s redemptive plan encompasses the whole person and all of creation and is not limited to spirituality alone but instead, spirituality is the cross section that touches creation. 

Engage in Christian Community Development

Embrace the truth that God is actively creating and restoring the world and the church is partnering with Him to fulfill that mission as an essential component of their purpose. 

Operate as a Collaborative Body

Embrace the truth that the body of Christ is interconnected and interdependent and every believer has been activated to fulfill their specific function as they work in unity with others to transform their immediate community and the world. 

Adopt Healthy practices

The church leadership recognizes the importance of organizational healthy practices such as building organizational capacity and developing collaboration to effectively engage in the church’s local mission which includes engagement in community development.  

The En Comunidad participant church will:

  • Engage in a leadership assessment.
  • Assess their church as an organization.
  • Explore new ways of being/doing church.
  • Embrace change.
  • Listen to and learn from others, including different Christian traditions.
  • Engage in community development.
  • Prioritize time for learning and growth.
  • Be open and expand their knowledge as leaders.

The En Comunidad Cohort

The cohort is a small group of 5 leadership teams (3 to 5 members) representing 4-5 different congregations.

Types of Cohorts 

Online Cohort: A cohort of churches across the US engaging in virtual sessions, except for the Immersion experience (a 2 day immersion experience with costs covered by the program).  

Regional Cohort: For churches geographically located in specific regions in the United States and Puerto Rico. Sessions will be virtual and in-person, including the 2-day local immersion experience. 

The En Comunidad church leadership group is formed by:

  1. The General/ Lead Pastor of the church. 
  2. A group of 2 to 4 participants* who:
    • Are older than 18 years old 
    • Are in a leadership position according to the church structure
    • Are flourishing as leaders of an area
    • Are prompt to change, recognizing the need to embrace change in the church environment
    • Aspire to see their church as the one described in the church profile
    • Can commit to the full program

*Participants: Leaders from different cultural origin, different ages, men or women.

The program

Phase I – Learning ExperiencePHASE II – Coaching
Introductory event: 
– Learn about the program’s objectives
– Learn about Holistic culture, Christian Community Development, Collaborative Body and Healthy Practices
– Connect with your cohort 
Apply for up to 20 hours of vetted coaching support. 
The coaching sessions will be tailored to the church’s specific needs. 
Coaching sessions will allow the church leadership team in the application and implementation of the topics addressed in the learning experience. 
Growth sessions: 
Explore important topics like embracing change, creating safe communities, promoting collaboration, and engaging in community development. 
Immersion experience 
Get inspired and learn practical strategies by visiting an effective holistic church-based community development ministry. 
Online support platform: Join the community to share resources and connect with others.

Don’t miss this great opportunity for your church leadership, apply today!